FMC Approves Rewrite of OTI (Ocean Transportation Intermediary) Regulations
Recently, the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) voted 3-2 to move
forward on a proposed rewrite of OTI (Ocean Transportation
Intermediary) regulations. The new regulations would require:
- OTI's to renew their licenses every two years;
- foreign-based non-vessel ocean common carriers (NVOCC) to keep a full-time staffed U.S. presence;
- more stringent qualification requirements for new OTI entrants, regarding age, experience, and character; and
- increase in OTI bonding levels.
To some, this decision suggests a general assumption among advocates that
costs will only rise marginally and that regulatory burdens will see a minor
and harmless increase. However, FMC Commissioner Rebecca Dye disagrees and
issued a dissenting statement.
Commissioner Dye's statement hinges on the belief that any regulatory
changes should work to limit government compliance costs, increase the
efficiency of the supply chain, and "allow American businesses to be more
competitive in the global marketplace." The proposed regulation changes,
as Dye describes, negate more appropriate advances.
Firstly, Dye asserts that the new proposal does not address the potential
harm of the change in regulations. Such changes should come with a clear
analysis of harm with the weigh-in of all stakeholders, including the shipping
public. Dye cites Executive Order 13563's call for a Retrospective Review of
Existing Rules as grounds for a thorough harm analysis.
Next, Dye points out worrisome blanks where the user costs should be. Dye
suggests advocates for changes have not adequately forecasted what the costs of
such changes will be. Without detailed forecasting, the shipping public cannot
respond knowledgeably.
Thirdly, Dye does not believe the harm to the public of raising OTI bonding
has been quantified. Specifically, Dye points to the possibility of deterring
new OTI entrants with raised bonds, thereby diminishing the U.S. capacity to be
competitive in the global marketplace.
Finally, in her dissenting statement, Dye asserts that the proposed changes
initiate a higher bonding level with a shorter renewal time period than those
"recently enacted by Congress in MAP-21, Public Law 112-141." This
creates a disharmony between MAP-21 and proposed OTI regulations. Dye believes
OTI regulations should be made synchronous to MAP-21.
The advanced notice of the FMC's proposal will be published in the Federal
Register. Upon publication, a 60-day notice and comment period will
precede the final rule publication.